When we received the package containing Nana Star--including a doll, stuffed Moonman, two books and accompanying CDs--it was like Christmas in summer.
My daughter is five and a half--and funnily enough--was immediately attracted to the Moonman toy rather than the doll. She did take the book and CD upstairs right away to listen to and "read." Later, then, she asked for the doll to be removed from the package so she could play with her.
Nana Star and all the accompanying items are really darling. While I am partial to Nana Star the doll, my daughter is still very fond of Moonman. The book is a delight with its lovely illustrations and my daughter loves listening to the CD on her Hello Kitty CD player.
You can see a little preview of Nana Star on YouTube. Check it out here.
We love Nana Star. So do the reviewers on Amazon. Maybe you will, too.
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